0Welcome to the City of Orange City Human Services page. Here you will find information and contacts to improve the quality of life for eligible Orange City residents through temporary emergency assistance and supportive services.
Volusia County human services programs include emergency services, family self-sufficiency program, health care responsibility act program, indigent burial/cremation, Low- Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), and the summer food service program.
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For help with rent, mortgage payment, electric and water, please contact:
Volusia County Human Services
(386) 775-5204
DeLand office
110 W. Rich Ave., DeLand, FL 32720
Phone: 386-736-5956
Daytona Beach office
1845 Holsonback Dr., Daytona Beach, FL 32117
Phone: 386-254-4675
West Volusia Hospital Authority
The West Volusia Hospital Authority (WVHA) is an independent special taxing district established by the State of Florida for the purpose of providing access to health care.
West Volusia Hospital Association (WVHA) Health Card Program
You will need:
Proof of Volusia County residency (Lease or mortgage statement)
Income for the household for the last 90 days
Social security cards for the members of the household
Current ID
For utility payment assistance, you will need a past due electric/water bill. These services are only rendered on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
For rent payment assistance, you will need a three day eviction notice from landlord. These services are only rendered on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Services aren’t guaranteed, you have to set up an interview. Walk-ins are welcome.