Emergency Response Planning

The role of the Public Works Department is to be prepared to respond to emergencies and to perform preventive maintenance to mitigate negative impacts.  The City of Orange City reviews the adopted Emergency Response Plan on a yearly basis and updates this plan as needed.

Public Works Basic Plan:

  • Foster cooperative planning at all City levels by performing annual “emergency response training”
  • Public Works Staff meeting held annually at season start for preparation planning
  • Reduce community and government known vulnerability sites hazards by preparing for emergencies such as hurricanes in the following ways:
    • Issue and receive communications via radio for dispatching and status of resources
    • Manage vehicle/equipment fuel at appropriate levels for readiness
    • Regularly inspect and clean stormwater drainage systems within public right of ways and inspect new construction and private stormwater systems for maintenance
    • Maintain emergency power equipment to keep essential infrastructure (Water for drinking and fire protection and sewer lift stations) running in the event of a power loss
    • Proactively trim trees and limbs before a hurricane happens to mitigate damage and keep the roads open
    • Maintain personnel and equipment to respond to emergency road closures and road clearing
    • Contract for essential post hurricane cleanup services
    • Maintain and operates stormwater pumping stations at Industrial Drive and Mill Lake
    • Require and inspects construction activities to minimize erosion and flooding effects
    • Trains personnel in safety and emergency response
    • City manages a National Pollution Elimination Systems Plan to protect stormwater system which includes public education
  • Inventory of sand and bags are kept at the Public Works yard – This is allow the City to provide free sandbags for storm events
  • FDEP disaster debris management permit in place

It is the Public Works Department’s goal to minimize public services disruption.  The Staff is scheduled for “first” and “second” responses.  This is during the first 24-hr and after the 48-hr emergency response. During this time several of the key duties of the Public Works Department include:

  • Direct field personnel in the completion of a rapid assessment of the impact of the event
  • Maintain and/or restore utility services to emergency facilities within the city
  • Direct restoration of water and wastewater services to critical facilities
  • Coordinate with Police and Operations sections to regarding restoration of traffic signals and signage and provide for temporary traffic signals or signage as indicated
  • Ensure oversight and coordination of field operations in utility protection and restoration, debris removal and heavy equipment support to fire and police operations.

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