Public Works Operations

1100 S. Thorpe Ave
Orange City, FL 32763
After hours Emergency: 386-736-5999

Executive Assistant
Jennifer Gerritsen – [email protected]
Phone: 386-775-5447

Public Service Director
Bilal Iftikhar – [email protected]
Phone: 386-775-5447

Public Works is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm water systems, sidewalks, City roadways, including pavement repairs and signs, minor building repairs, and Parks & Recreation maintenance. The department also maintains all City-owned equipment. The Department of Public Works provides a variety of services to the public and to other City departments.

Picture of Public Works sign and two Public Works Vehicles

Street Maintenance

The Street Maintenance Section’s primary mission is the maintenance of the City’s transportation assets. Year-round activities include a street sweeping, sign maintenance and installation, right of way mowing and herbicide application, inclement weather response (sanding, catch basin clearing, gravel street work, pot-hole filling, downed trees, etc), street tree removals and community event support. City staff coordinates traffic signal and street lighting Seasonal activities include vision clearance pruning in the right of way, asphalt patching, crack sealing, pavement marking, curb painting, leaf collection and sign/pavement making installations for new development. The section also reviews new development plans for signing and street maintenance issues.

Fleet/Equipment Maintenance

The Division provides vehicle maintenance services for various fleet vehicles including the Police and Fire Departments. Numerous pieces of equipment such as hedgers, weed eaters, backpack blowers, mowers, etc. are maintained as well. Services provided include routine scheduled maintenance, emergency repair, parts ordering, equipment modifications, hydraulic repairs, brake jobs, etc. Staff also reviews all new major equipment purchase specifications for functionality and serviceability.

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