Parks and Recreation

1100 S. Thorpe Ave
Orange City, FL 32763

Parks and Facilities Manager
Ashley Gay – [email protected]
Phone: 386-775-5454
Cell 386-804-0274

Park Reservations
Phone: 386-775-5444 option 1

Senior Center (Wava Hall)
Phone: 386-775-3121

Parks and Recreation maintains safe, functional, and attractive parks and facilities including playgrounds, picnic facilities, pavilions, multipurpose sports fields and courts, exercise trails and lighted tennis courts. We also provide high quality, family-oriented, community events. Orange City Parks offer the perfect place for wildlife viewing and outdoor recreation.

The City of Orange City is home to more than seven beautiful parks that include a butterfly garden, splash pad, lake, walking/biking trails, skate park and lots of green spaces for plenty of opportunities to explore.

Park hours: sunrise to sunset

More information on the City’s special events can be found here.

Parks and Facilities

Rental information
All park reservations must be made in person through the City of Orange City Development Services Utility Billing Department 205 E Graves Ave, Orange City FL 32763
(Use the door near parking lot).

Rental fees information is located by clicking on the individual parks link.  For availability of pavilion or athletic field rentals, please contact 386-775-5444 option 1 or e-mail: [email protected]

Splash Pad

Orange City has one splash pad located at Mill Lake Park. The splash pad cannot be rented, it is first come first serve. There are several pavilions near the splash pad that can be rented.

The splash pad is not operated manually, it is controlled by a timer. During the regular season, March through October, the splash pad is open daily, from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM ( Except Tuesday when it opens at 12PM due to maintenance activity). Note: The splash pad has a lightning detection system, if there is a storm within 20 miles of the splash pad, it will not be operational.

CAMPS, AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS, DAYCARES AND SCHOOLS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A RESERVATION TO USE THE SPLASH PAD. Contact the parks department at [email protected]  or call (386) 775-5454 to submit a reservation request.  More information can be found here.

Volunteer Opportunities

A variety of volunteer opportunities are available through the City of Orange City’s Parks Department.

 Eligibility- Applicants must be at least 16 years old to volunteer, or be accompanied by an adult. Volunteers must provide their own transportation.

Volunteers are always needed in these areas:

  • Adopt a Park/ Adopt a Road: Commitment to maintain a park or roadway.
  • Conservation: Assist with removal of invasive species and site clean-ups.
  • Parks: Opportunities include park maintenance, beautification, and special projects.

How to apply or to see what volunteer opportunities that are currently available email [email protected]

Related Links:
Senior Center
Staff Directory

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