

City Hall
205 E. Graves Ave
Orange City, FL  32763

Purchasing Manager

David Santiago – [email protected]
Phone:  386-775-5440
Fax:  386-775-5435


The mission of the City of Orange City’s Purchasing Manager is to procure quality goods and services at the best overall value to the City, and community, in accordance with the City’s requirements, while assuring fair and equal opportunity to all qualified vendors.

The role of the Purchasing Manager is to bring together City departments and potential suppliers in order to provide the best value for the commodities and services needed to operate as a City government. The Purchasing Manager follows the policies for purchasing as established by the City of Orange City, Charter, Standard Operating Procedures, Purchasing Policies and Procedures and State of Florida statutes.


The Purchasing Manager is responsible for:

  • Coordinating and developing formal bids and requests for proposals to ensure competitive bidding and to ensure compliance with the City’s Purchasing Policy and accepted industry standards.
  • Maintaining the City’s fixed asset inventory and coordinates disposal of surplus equipment.
  • Overseeing and Administration of the Purchasing Card Program.
  • Overseeing a decentralized purchasing system that reviews and processes purchase orders for commodities and services.


The City of Orange City’s Purchasing Manager is dedicated to providing fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in the City’s procurement practices.


Insurance Requirements
PO Terms and Conditions
Purchasing Card Program
Purchasing Code
Request for Bids

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